Life Beyond Apocalypse

Help: clone

Help: clone

The "clone" command:

Usage: fossil clone ?OPTIONS? URI ?FILENAME?

Make a clone of a repository specified by URI in the local file named FILENAME. If FILENAME is omitted, then an appropriate filename is deduced from last element of the path in the URL.

URI may be one of the following forms ([...] denotes optional elements):

For ssh and filesystem, path must have an extra leading '/' to use an absolute path.

Use %HH escapes for special characters in the userid and password. For example "%40" in place of "@", "%2f" in place of "/", and "%3a" in place of ":".

Note that in Fossil (in contrast to some other DVCSes) a repository is distinct from a check-out. Cloning a repository is not the same thing as opening a repository. This command always clones the repository. This command might also open the repository, but only if the --no-open option is omitted and either the --workdir option is included or the FILENAME argument is omitted. Use the separate open command to open a repository that was previously cloned and already exists on the local machine.

By default, the current login name is used to create the default admin user for the new clone. This can be overridden using the -A|--admin-user parameter.


-A|--admin-user USERNAME
Make USERNAME the administrator
-B|--httpauth USER:PASS
Add HTTP Basic Authorization to requests
Allow opening a repository inside an opened check-out
Omit extra delta compression
Clone only. Do not open a check-out.
Don't remember the URI.
Also clone private branches
Remember the HTTP password without asking
-c|--ssh-command SSH
Use SSH as the "ssh" command
--ssl-identity FILENAME
Use the SSL identity if requested by the server
--transport-command CMD
Use CMD to move messages to the server and back
Also sync unversioned content
Show more statistics in output
--workdir DIR
Also open a check-out in DIR
Extra debugging output

See also: init, open